Self-Care for When You Just Don’t Have Time (But Need It Anyway)

Self-care doesn’t have to be an all-day spa retreat. If you’re like us and only have 10 minutes between Zoom meetings and laundry, try these fun, quick self-care ideas:

  1. The “Lazy Girl’s Face Mask”
    Slap on a face mask while you check your email. Congrats, you’re multitasking and treating your skin. Self-care level: expert.

  2. The “Dance It Out” Break
    Put on your favorite song and shake it for 3 minutes. Not only will you get your blood pumping, but it’s also scientifically impossible to stay in a bad mood while dancing to Lizzo.

  3. The “Mini Walk Escape”
    Take a 10-minute stroll, no phone allowed. This little reset can help you feel more human and less like a robot stuck in work mode.

For more practical self-care tips that won’t take up your entire day, listen to The Hidden Pages. We share self-care tips that are so easy, even your busiest day can handle them. 💆‍♀️✨

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