Setting Boundaries Without Feeling Like a Jerk (3 Easy Tips)

We all want to set boundaries, but it’s hard not to feel guilty about it, right? Here are some sneaky, guilt-free ways to start setting boundaries that don’t make you feel like the villain in someone else’s story:

  1. The “Polite No”
    Practice saying “No, thank you” to small things first. Turn down an extra project at work, or that invite to the Zoom happy hour. Soon, it’ll get easier to say no to bigger things too!

  2. The “Hour of Power” Rule
    Set aside one hour a day where you’re completely unreachable. Whether it's for work or personal time, this boundary helps you reclaim a chunk of your day. No explanations needed.

  3. The “Magic Phrase”
    Next time someone tries to push your limits, use this phrase: “I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m not available for that.” It’s firm, but kind—boundary-setting magic!


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